What is The Difference Between a Water Softener & Water Filter

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The basic operation of a water softener consists of service and regeneration. The resin inside the mineral tank is specially designed to remove “hard” particles of lime and calcium by a simple ion exchange process.

The resin beads inside the softener tank have a different or opposite electrical charge than the dissolved particles of the incoming water. Because of this electrical charge difference, the dissolved particles suspended in your water will cling to the resin beads on contact, thereby ridding the water of these particles, causing the water exiting the unit to be “soft”. The resin has a limit to how much of these hardness particles it can hold, which is why there are many different sizes of softeners and also why regeneration or brining is required.


A water filter system removes the particles from the water ie: turbidity (muddiness) particles, organic material, taste, odor & iron, however, the water will still be hard. Brantford and surrounding area water may not need to be filtered, but you would definitely benefit from it being softened.

The most common household water filtration system is a reverse osmosis system.  These systems produce clean drinking water by filtering out & reducing certain dangerous chemicals (such as EDB, TCE, PCE & THM’s) and other drinking impurities and mineral.

There are also systems available with refiners that remove the chlorine from the water.